Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Aduhhhh payahnya mata ni nak tido..nak kata lapar, baru jam 11pm td aku melantak!
Makan nasi lagi tu, bukan alang2..
Nak tengok crita korea,crita yang aku nak tengok tu tak ada plak..heran la..mana tah pegi.. dah la aku tak tengok lagi crita tu..haishhhh
Nak update blog ni pun kena fikir dulu nak tulis apa..huhu
Sekarang ni, dah boleh tengok cinta kirana tiap2 hari walaupun keja petang or malam sebab ada ulangan
Masa raya hari tu banyak miss sebab tak ada ulangan,rugi la jugak..
Haaaaa..... sekarang ni tgh enjoy MY FM kat astro..semua lagu cina hehehe macam la aku paham apa dia nyanyi..tapi lagu dia banyak sentimental..boleh cure sikit aku punya kepala otak yang sakit nih hahaha 
Apa lagi nak cakap ek..hmh...balik kat cinta kirana tu kan..buat aku fikir ada ke orang macam kirana kat dunia ni?!!!
Kalau tanya aku, aku mesti jawab tak ada! Tak ada sorang pun manusia yang memiliki cinta seperti kirana.
Itu cuma rekaan semata-mata. Mana ada orang yang bodoh sanggup tunggu orang yang dah ada orang lain kan? Walau sedalam mana pun cinta manusia, manusia tak kan dapat mengubah sifat ego mereka!
Termasuk aku sendiri.. Pernah tak korang bercinta dan semasa bercinta tu, cakap kalau la nanti tak ada jodoh dengan orang yang kita cintai tu, kita tak sanggup berkahwin?..biar la sorang2 konon nya kan.. Mesti korang pernah alami kan?..
Aku cakap ni berdasarkan pengalaman..huhu... Dulu masa bercinta sebelum jumpa soul-mate ni, wahhhhh memang cinta sejati la konon..haha kalau tak ada jodoh,memang tak nak kawin sampai bila2 sebab dah sayang sangat dengan orang yang berkenaan sampai fikir macam tu. Tengok lepas tu, cepat jer dating bila putus cinta..mana pegi cinta sejati tu kan?..hahahahahha 
Memang sakit masa putus cinta..rasa nak balik jer kat orang tu tapi bila fikir pasal ego, maruah diri, memang sanggup sakit daripada bagitau orang tu yang kita masih sayang kat dia.. Tak tau la korang macam mana kan..
Kalau aku la kirana, aku ambik jer raka or baim..bukan senang nak cari orang yang sayang kita tau
Buat apa nak kan si galang yang dah ada farah?..kan sakit hati jer... Kalau dalam dunia ni, kata la kirana tu masih berada di sisi galang walaupun galang dah ada farah, mesti ada agenda di sebaliknya.. Mesti dia berharap galang akan ingat balik..Kalau tak, dia tak akan berada di sisi galang.. Bagi galang pula, mesti dia tak akan cinta kan kirana sebab dia dah lama bercinta dengan farah..walau pun satu hari nanti dia ingat pada kirana..for sure dia akan anggap kirana itu adalah masa lalu dia..
Sama dengan kehidupan manusia di dunia, tak ada cinta sejati.. once kita dah tak ada lagi dengan seseorang tu, automatic perasaan tu akan hilang kalau kita jumpa orang lain..walau pun mengambil masa yang lama..
Sebab tu la korang tengok ada orang yang lepas kematian suami atau isteri, akan dapat memulakan hidup baru dengan orang lain walaupun mengambil masa yang lama.. Dalam hati korang, mesti fikir dia tak setia dengan cinta kan, or tak ingat lagi dengan orang yang dah mati.. bukan macam tu.. Kenangan tu memang akan sentiasa di ingat.. tapi tak salah kalau dia nak mulakan kehidupan baru..dia kan manusia jugak..ada kehendak..ada keinginan.. Setiap manusia dilahirkan macam tu..itu adalah normal..
Mari kita tengok dari segi abnormal plak..
Bunuh diri dan gila..ramai yang mengalami nasib begini kan.. tau kenapa?..
Cinta adalah faktor utama..sebab tu lagi bagus kalau lepas putus cinta,kita date lagi.. walaupun susah nak terima kehadiran orang baru,itu lagi bagus dari merana sampai gila or bunuh diri..lambat laun, cinta akan bersemi..tak semua cinta at the first sight akan menjadi kenyataan..cinta bermula dari kawan pun boleh..tak perlu rasa sangat tertarik semasa pertama kali jumpa..bila dah lama dating, cinta tu pasti ada..
Saya berani cakap sebab saya pernah mengalami..percaya lah..
Ada orang yang tahu bagaimana nak overcome dia punya kekecewaan tapi banyak yang ikut kata hati..
For those yang ikut kata hati,itu yang kena jaga2..mesti ada teman di sisi supaya tak buat benda yang tak di ingini..banyak orang fobia bila pernah frust..sebab tu ada yang tak kawin, sanggup single sampai ke tua..tapi tak semua orang yang single tu pernah frust..kena tau jugak, kat dunia ni ada jenis orang yang memang tak nak kawin dan lebih senang sendiri..hmh..take note ya..
Wahhh panjang lebar aku punya ceramah..macam prof dah.. bolehla prof pangalila hahahhaa
Sampai sini jer la ek..malas nak kutap2 lagi..korang pun jangan la boring baca blog ni..hehe nite2

Thursday, September 23, 2010

the day when i was born........

Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to Lelina Rumi....
Happy birthday to me!!!!
Being a birthday girl is a good time to tell you guys a lil' bit bout me
Well, I was born on this day early morning 27 years ago
My mom said,those who was born in the morning will have very 'cool' character..
Hmh...I don't think I am cool,was I?
Lelina was a randomise name choose by my mom herself. Actually, it's Lina only but one of my cousin who live next door having the same name so my mom add 'Le' to make it sound different.
Rumi was name after my late great grandmother. She adopted my late grandmother from her very own sister because she doesn't have any child.
I don't have any picture of her but I was told that she was a very beautiful lady..unlike me. The only character that I have from her is TAKUT HANTU ahahahahha
She was very well known among the family because of that! and so do I!! hahahaha
Anyway, I was born in my old longhouse in Kedap Saratok. It's not because of no hospital.
It's a very long and personal story behind that..
My mom met my dad in Bintulu when she was working there.
She decided to balik kampung 3 months before delivery and left my dad there so he can continue his study. My dad is a lot more younger than my mom. He was still studying when he finally choose to be her husband.. but my mom told him to continue since he is a smart student despite his playboy character.
During her stay in kampung,she faced a lot, lot of controversy..
Got back there by herself, no husband and pregnant, villagers told her not to have regular checking in clinic!! Pity her!!! Damn all the villagers who told her that!! What a lie!!!
There was no such thing!! It's not so strict like nowadays!
That was why she didn't delivered in hospital and I don't have all the vaccinations that was required for all children.
Few months after I was born, she received a letter from her younger and the only sister(mak bintulu), told her that my dad was caught with another woman and was forced to marry that pregnant woman although she was pregnant before my dad met her!! Serve him rite!!
Pity my mom..she have to raise me all by herself..and that is why my IC has a different birth mom waited for a year to see him and ask for his IC in order to register my birth.
Actually it can be done earlier,and my birth cert. will be red in color but my mom choose to wait for my dad so in the future it's easy for me to do my IC.
Well, that's a lil bit story of my precious mom and my playboy dad.
Until now, my mom is still single. She refused to marry coz she scared her husband to be doesn't want me after they have their own child. She SACRIFICED HER LIFE for me..
Even if I give her this whole world, I will never pay back to what she have done to me.
Do you guys have any idea of how she go through all this?!
She lost lot of blood after delivery and there was very limited type O blood back then. Lucky my step grandfather have the same type and donate to her.
My mom spent a month in the hospital and I have to survive without breastfeeding for a month!
And I myself was very choosy!!
Before she fully recovered, she have to work in order to feed me and she have to bring me along coz no one is available to babysit. She spent 2 years in kampung and finally we got back to bintulu to seek for a better living.
Raised as an only child made me became very selfish although I spent my childhood with my cousins. Till now, that character stick to me like a gum!
I have to learn from others to give and take. I am very countable at times. It's what every Librans have I guess...fair and square!! You give me RM1 and I will give you the same amount in return! Not less, not more than that either!
After I learned what my dad did to my mom doesn't make me scared to men.
I started to fall in love when I was 12 years old..hahaha and of course it's only cinta monyet!
I only realize of real love when I dated this one guy who were 2 years younger than me.
Well, we can't make it real because we have different religion and he have more admirers who was more beautiful of course and we decided to be just friend then.. I still have feeling for him actually until I met one guy.
This 'good boy' seems sooooo into me!! Not my type really..haha
I prefer having somebody who is not too quiet..
Seriously, I don't know he was after me, until he finally confessed!!
I don't really fall for him in the first place but since he seems so sincere, I don't dare to refuse..
I'm not that type actually. I will honestly tell man to back off if I really don't want them.
This one was different..could it be magnet?..hmh...
We tried to survive for 4 and a half years..and that's it!!
I quit!! I don't have the courage to wait for him any longer.
I gave him 4 and a half years to prove that he really love me.
I don't tell him to choose me or his family. I was just want to be a part of his family.
What can I do if his family doesn't want me?! The one who should convince them was him!!
I am nobody!! All I can do is wait..
And I'm not so stupid who will wait until the day I die!!
I refused all proposal from all good men because I hope he will stand for me..
Well, it's me..and only me who stand by myself..
My family is not rich but my mom brought me with all her life,her dignity and full of honour to become of what I am now!!
I'm not going to destroy it just because of him!!
Separation seems to be the only way..and it's not's really not easy..
The future for me was with him.. All the decision is made based on both of us..
Can you imagine how I have to renew it all after the separation?!!
Sometimes I feel like I wanna get back to him so I don't have to decide by myself and live like what we have plan together..
But I know I have to be strong..
I can make it without him..
My mom went through a lot more tougher situation and she can make it!!
So why not me?..He just a boyfriend!! My mom lost her husband..yet she still can breath!!
I should be thankful to realize that early..
And it's not so soon until I found my soul-mate..
4 years younger is not a problem,rite?..hahaha
It might so early for me to meet his family after few months dating but I like it that way.
I hate of being hide all this while with the previous one.
He is a 'bad boy' kinda's my type..hahahhaa
His sincerity made me choose him out of all..
We don't really plan to settle down so fast actually but loving each other so much, how can we resist?!!hehehehe
I am very thankful to him for all of this..being part of his family is really joyful..
I can call his parents like my own..and finally I have sister and brothers who is not blood related..
It mean so much to me..
I want nothing else..this is all I need..
Can I have all of this forever?...
Hmh....more like a sesi meluah perasaan..hehehe
Thank you Tagged!! I will not meet this wonderful guy because of 'you' hahaha
I think that's enough for now.. I will write more some other time..
Happy birthday to me once again!!
And up there is a few old pic for the readers..thank you for reading..

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lama dah tak update blog ni, since last aku keja malam hari tu
Tak banyak crita menarik..boring dan sunyi jer bilik aku pas kazen aku si Pris and si Dyana balik Bintulu.
Back to my normal life which is..bangun lambat if shift pm(bukan lambat sebarang lambat tau,paling awal pun jam 1200hr),makan maggie sebab tak sempat masak dan tido semahunya pas balik keja pagi,after 2pm.If keja malam,lagi lambat bangun..2pm paling awal hehe
Macam tu la hidup aku walau pun dah nasib baik laki tak ada kat rumah.
Kalau ada pun tak ada bezanya..dia lagi suka influence aku bangun lambat.
Mana tak bini dia ni naik minyak..heheh
Nasib kau la dapat bini cam aku nih..heheheheheheheh
Tapi hari tu ada bebudak pandai lak aku bangun awal ek
Yelah..kang ada bebudak tu complain kat mak dia kata aku tak bagi depa makan hahahha
But then bila fikir balik, rasanya la..bila ada tanggungjawab sure kita secara automatik akan sedar akan responsibility tu
Sebab tu bila ada orang yang tak pernah ada anak and they gonna have one,dalam hati mesti nervous sebab rasa tak ready kan..
Aku pun fikir macam tu jugak
Tapi hari tu I can make it..during my cousins stay.hmhh.. that mean I'm ready to have kid now?...
Grrrrrrrrr!!!!nanti la fikir heeheheheh
Aku suka budak2..tapi suka and jaga tu lain tau..
Lagipun aku ingat nak stop keja dulu kalau aku dah ready nak ada anak nanti
Kalau boleh tak nak la orang lain jaga
Tak sanggup aku kalau ada apa2 yang tak diingini terjadi
Kalau mami aku jaga?
Hmmmhhh..nak ke dia?..
Aku tak nak susahkan dia..biar dia enjoy life dia..jaga aku dulu pun bukan senang
Then bila ada cucu,pun nak kena jaga
Bagus aku jaga sendiri..sendiri beranak,sendiri jaga lah kan..heheh
cakap sal beranak la plak..lebih dah ni..hahahaha
Aku nak tido ni sebenar nya..tapi orang kat atas tu ketuk ketak dari tadi..tah apa di buatnya
Consider la sikit..bukan semua orang keja office hour
Nanti ingat nak beli gown kat boulevard..lama dah tak beli gown..dan lama dah tak pakai
Bukan aku tak nak bergaya macam dulu
Dulu kan slim..sekarang lemak ada dimana2
Pernah juga hubby complain,dulu masa masih dating bukan main lagi bergaya..
Tapi since dah kahwin?..
Bukan tak nak tau..nakkkkkkk sangatttttt!!!
Tapi gown2 yang dulu tu semua dah tak muat!!
Macam bola perut aku kalau pakai!!
That's why aku prefer pakai T-shirt and short-pant jer,simple dan cepat..
Nanti sambung lagi erk..daaaaaaaaaaaaa

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Baru balik keja malam
Masih nak zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz jer rasa hehe
Last nite busy dengan kerenah outpatient yang macam2
Kadang2 tu tak logik betul reason diaorang nak jumpa M.O tengah2 malam buta
Paling tension kalau jumpa patient yang datang sebab sakit yang diundang,rasa nak aku cucuk2 jer dengan jarum biar lagi sakit!
Aku baru nak duduk,datang lagi sorang..
Nak duduk lagi, 2 orang lagi datang!
Belum habis kerenah the previous one,lagi sorang datang! huhhhh!!
Paling tension kalau jumpa yang dah datang sebelumnya
Ubat dah bagi,tapi dia cakap tak jalan!
Hoiii..itu ubat tau, bukan nya magic..of course tak jalan kalau you baru start first dose!
Dia ingat ubat tu apa?miracle?
Ingat bapak dia buat ubat ke?
Pegi makan tanah nun! lagi cepat sembuh! geram tul aku!!
Wehhhh..lebih2 dah aku ni..macam sesi melepas geram plak dah hahahaha
Anyway aku tengah bingung ni..nanti kazen aku nak datang,dengar2 nak bawa mak sekali dengan anak buah aku si Helmi tu..alahai..mana la depa nak tido
Bilik aku bukannya besar pun..kazen aku yang kecik tu tak apa
Aku boleh sorok jer mana2 heheh
Nampaknya kena la yang lelaki tu tido kat luar
Mak,aku n Helmi boleh tido kat dalam
Kazen aku yang kecik2 tu nak balik hari ni
Kakak depa ambik
Aku tengah fikir mana aku nak menyelit tido nih..huhu
Petang nanti kawan2 aku ajak beraya sakan
Aku bukan tak nak,nanti tetamu datang,aku plak pegi beraya
I have to miss it!! ohhh nooo!!
Ok la..nak sambung tido yang tergendala tadi ehehehehe daaaaaaa

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hari Raya Ye Ye!!

Eeeeeeee.... nyampah tul ngan line celcom ni! lembab memanjang!! Hari Raya ni kasi la service cepat ckit kan..baru ada umphhh! Awal pagi dah dapat call dari Fiona nak ajak pi beraya kat umah kak Dayang and Kak Rahah..aku syok2 tido..rasa malas pulak nak pegi..bebudak pun tido lagi tu.
Ingat nak pi beach tgh hari nanti tp hujan plak tu naaaa..hishhh!!!
tpksa la cancel..ingt nak ajak budak 2 org tu pg servay nanti..nak beli ole2 utk depa nanti bawa balik bintulu..
hujan2 ni rasa malas plak nak gi mana2..lg bagus kalau tengok tv..bnyk crita besttt..ehehe
ok la..aku tak mandi lagi ni..bebudak dh mandi dah..heheh daaaaa for now..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Song and Lyrics

Avenged Sevenfold
Dear God lyrics

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is

to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
’Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

There's nothing here for me on this barren road

There's no one here while the city sleeps
and all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is

to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
’Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

Some search, never finding a way

Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
when hope begins to fade...

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line

Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is

to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need the person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
’Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

I knew this song from my hubby, we were still flirting back then and he used to sing this song and plays guitar when singing this to me. I'm not so into it anyway because I've never heard of Avenged Sevenfold before, even after hearing this from him.It might be because AS sang lots of heavy metal(sort of) songs so I don't realize they have this kinda melodic song and so the lyrics.I only realize of how lovely,melodic and meaningful this songs is,when I turn it on during my husband's absence.Goshhh.. I never imagine that AS could sing such a song.No wonder he loves it so much.He won't missed this song every time he plays guitar.That was why I turn it on in the first place.It's because I miss him so much so it might be better after playing the song he likes..hehe and I fall for the song too.Anyway thanks dear for singing it to me all this while.I wish I can hear it always from you.I mean the chorus part ya..(I never want you to leave me after what we've been thru).***mmmmuuuaaaahhhh kehkehkeh
And to the readers,enjoy it.....daaaaa

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My boring PH

PH hari ni..nasib baik bagi aku PH sama dgn SD n DO, dpt gak rehat puas2..dhla aku yg kena keja masa PH sbnr nya..tak tau plak apasal boleh tukar nak ingt..buat sakit at jer..
Bgn td jam 12.15pm hehe..tak lewat tau sebab tiap2 mlm online ngn hubby sampai jam 5am so kira ok la bgn jam gitu. Mula2 tak tau nak buat apa but then terfikir lak nak drive hari ni. Nasib baik ada slot, ngam2 plak kat traffic light dkt boulevard rosak..adusssss bikin panas!! ckgu aku suka,boleh gelak2 lg,nanti dia..aku drift baru tau haha!!aku suka tu bab2 belok tak lepas minyak,bisa 'semiup' dibuatnya hahahahaha
Balik driving lepak kat bilik sue kejap,sempat layan ceta indon ngn thailand bru kita pi memborong kat servay..bnyk aku beli..mcm la masak sangat..tak sedar dr betul!pas2 sempat lg beli roti canai kat kedai 'ane' depan rumah..heheh nampak gaya nya tu jer la dinner aku hari ni..
Ingtkan nak rehat2 hari ni tp kena buat general cleaning ckit la..hari ni kita semua ada kat umah..slalu tu susah nak jumpa sebab masing2 keja tak sama shift. So hari ni kita boleh buat bising kejap hehe
Pastu kan..entah kenapa hati aku rs tak sedap..tau apa aku buat?! pegi lg servay 2nd trip tu dierrrrr!!!hahahaha td kesian tengok member puasa mls nak shopping kat atas..kali ni pg sorang2 pun jd la..ingt nak beli iron jer,konon nya dpt gak benda lain..memang mcm tu kalo shopping..nak2 lg bila ada cash kat tgn..
lama betul la aku taip..bnyk kali delete..tu yg sarung bantal bau cina tu pg kat atas apasal lak..tak reti la nak setting dia..nak delete the whole post syg lak..penat tau taip ni..roller coaster aku dh nak hbis pun blog tak siap2 lg update..haishhh
ok la tak ada idea lg..lately nak tengok bf aku si galang tu pun tak ada mood..tak hidup lg dia.. tah pegi syurga ke neraka..apa kelas tengok crita tu kalau dia tak ada! si baim yg kering kontang tu buat apa? si raka? ouch!! not my taste..hehehheh..daaaa evry1..nak tido jap while waiting for my hubby online..

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Ones

I thought 1st of September was a good start to begin my is already 1.42am of the 2nd day of the month..and here i am with empty mind..this is why my blog was inactive since the first day i create it..I have no idea where to start... so i guess my post will end up here for today..haha not bad huh..since its my first post..daaaaaaaaaaa..